The Olot - Santa Pau - Olot itinerary is a long, circular route on foot of 26 km. of length and 750m cumulative difference (6h to 7h). It is a suitable proposal to do in a day for people who are accustomed to the practice of hiking, although we recommend doing it in two days to enjoy the maximum of the environment without haste. The itinerary is developed entirely within the Natural Park of the Volcanic Zone of the Garrotxa, visiting places of great beauty such as Batet de la Serra, La Fageda d'en Jordà, the valley of Santa Pau and its volcanoes ...

The route is signposted within the Itinerànnia network of paths. The starting and arrival point of this itinerary is at the bus station in Olot, where there are great free parking facilities. Although, when circular, you can start and finish at any point on the route.