The Olot Festival is celebrated every year around September 8, the day of Our Lady of Tura, patron saint of the city. That is why it is known as the Festes del Tura. In 1997 the Department of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia declared Festivities of National Interest.
The center of the city is transformed and enlarged to welcome the Major Fest, which is characterized by offering all the free, popular activities that take place in the streets, squares and public spaces of the city.

The most popular festive elements during the Festes del Tura are undoubtedly the components of the Olotine Folkloric effigices: the Giants, the Lligamosques big head, the Cavallets and the Cabeçuts. The parades through the streets of the center and the dances in the Plaza Mayor have become a point of reference for the public. The boys and girls are still embroidered in their outings on the street and the visitor, who lives for the first time this celebration, is getting from Olot a special feeling about this spectacle of Catalan folklore and, more specifically, the Olotí.